Cordillera Blanca

June 9 - July 7 2007

Once I graduated, I decided to go climbing in Peru for a month before I was going to start work. The trip had been on my mind for the last couple of years, and the excitement grew as the time got closer. I had mentioned my plans to my friends Chester and Marta during the winter, and they decided to accompany me on the journey. We were to fly to Lima, and make our way to Huaraz and the mountains as fast as possible, where we were planning to do a number of climbs before returning home. As things happened, plans deviated quite a bit...

For the full details, check the trip report! And here is some random beta on Peru.

The pictures are organized below, based on destination (not time). For example, I kept coming back to Huaraz from the mountains to resupply and rest, etc. so the pictures in that folder are from different weeks.

Arriving in Lima, and travelling by bus to Huaraz the next day

Pictures from arriving in Huaraz, and some of the rest days I spent there

  Llanganuco Valley
Pictures from our base camp (Cebollapampa) and day hikes in the area

Attempted Pisco as an acclimatization climb

Climbed Yanapaccha (5460m, AD) in two days in very windy conditions

Climbed Chopicalqui (6354m, AD-) in three days (waited out bad weather for a day)

Attempted Artesonraju (6025m, D) in four days round trip from Huaraz

Chavin de Huantar
Went to the old Chavin ruins (800 BC) in Chavin de Huantar with a day tour

  Mountain Biking
Went mountain biking with Julio in the Cordillera Negra

Bus to Lima
Some pictures from the bus ride from Huaraz to Lima


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